Friday, September 10, 2004

AMA Media Briefing: ADHD; Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

On September 9th, Larry attended an AMA Media Briefing in NYC involving attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. If you are interested in receiving a debrief of the meeting, or in working with Larry on related healthcare communications and marketing research projects, please contact Larry at

Information regarding the content this meeting and other AMA Media Briefings can be found at If you are interested in pursuing any medical communications projects or marketing research involving topics from any of these meetings, please contact Larry at

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Presentation to AMWA Delaware Valley Region: "Product Launch: Goldmine or Minefield for Writers?"

A team presentation by Larry Tobias, Sherry Holland and Kira Belkin of AMWA at the Delaware Valley chapter conference in May covered an interactive, role-play: "Product Launch: Goldmine or Minefield for Writers?" The objective of the presentation was to familiarize the audience with the potential players involved in a "typical" pharmaceutical company interaction with a medical writing/communications company. A summary of the presentation is available on the AMWA DVC website at