Thursday, January 17, 2008

Transformative Archetypes

As Co-chair of the NY Metro Chapter of the Qualitative Research Consultants Association (QRCA), Mr. Tobias coordinated a chapter workshop on January 4th at the OMNI hotel in New Haven, CT. The topic of the workshop, attended by over thirty members of both the New England and NY Metro QRCA Chapters, involved Transformative Archetypes. The presenter, Ava Linberg, a cultural anthropologist by training, has a wealth of experience in this topical area, and provided an educational, stimulating and entertaining experience for the qualitative researchers assembled in the room. Her discussion provided some practical guides as to how transformative archetype research can build upon the rational techniques and the emotional projective techniques used in more traditional qualitative research, and provide valuable insights as to ingrained personal and cultural influences and tendencies inherent in all of us. Transformative archetypes can be a valuable tool to understand and influence consumer behavior, when traditional techniques are found lacking.