Friday, January 28, 2005

Conference on Plant-Made Pharmaceuticals

Larry will be an invited guest at the Conference on Plant-Made Pharmaceuticals which is being held in Montreal, January 30th through February 2nd, 2005. IAPO, The International Alliance of Patient's Organizations will be releasing a publication at the meeting: "The Use of Genetically Modified Plants to Produce Human Therapeutic Proteins: A Global Summary of Existing Potential Benefits and Risks" for which Larry was the author, interviewer and analyst.

Information regarding the conference can be found at or via email at

If you are interested in receiving a debrief of the meeting, or information regarding obtaining a copy of the indicated publication, or in working with Larry on related healthcare communications and marketing research projects, please contact Larry at

Friday, January 14, 2005

AMA Media Briefing: HIV/AIDS, The Drug Resistance Epidemic

On January 13th, Larry attended an American Medical Association Media Briefing in NYC on the topic of "HIV/AIDS: The Drug Resistance Epidemic." If you are interested in receiving a debrief of the meeting, or in working with Larry on related healthcare communications and marketing research projects, please contact Larry at

Information regarding the content this meeting and other AMA Media Briefings can be found at If you are interested in pursuing any medical communications projects or marketing research involving topics from any of these meetings, please contact Larry at